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Writer's pictureMichael Popplewell

Grab life by the bells! (Kettlbells..)

Why are kettlebells so effective? What makes these specific weights so useful for fitness? If you have ever got tired of doing endless cardio and don’t want to build too much muscle lifting heavy weights then believe it or not, there’s a perfect happy medium and it’s called the kettlebell. Research shows that a combination of weight training and high intensity cardio puts our bodies in fat melting mode which can be accomplished using kettlebell exercises. Check out the 6 reasons below to get started today! Decreased body fat Kettlebell training offers you the ability to burn fat with high-intensity workouts. Any weight loss program can be difficult to accomplish, but using kettlebells provides a fun and exciting alternative to "normal" workouts that help to keep you motivated. By consistently working out with kettlebells, your metabolism will increase which will result in a decrease of body fat percentage. Design your workout programs for high repetition compound movement exercises, such as the kettlebell swing, reverse lunge or shoulder press, in a circuit with little to no rest between sets. Instant calorie burner Kettlebells provide a super quick way to shed some pounds. A study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found that the average person burns around 20 calories per minute during a standard kettlebell workout, meaning you could burn 400 calories in a 20-minute workout! Strength without bulk Kettlebells are effective at increasing strength by using full-body functional movements that incorporate several muscle groups for each exercise. They are great for shaping a lean, and firm physique with a focus on building strength, rather than muscle bulk. They are especially good at working your core, lower back, and glutes. Whilst kettlebells can be used for deadlifting, a lighter weight kettlebell makes for a simple and effective addition to cardio workouts. Functional workout Kettlebell training can work out all the muscles that you use in everyday life, making daily activities easier, whilst also improving your posture. The fluid swinging movements often used in kettlebell workouts are also easy on the joints. So be kind to your body and pick up some kettlebells! A great physical AND mental workout Surprisingly, many kettlebell workouts also work your brain. The swift swapping of the weight between hands and transferring of weight between different sides of the body, requires focus and coordination. This makes a kettlebell workout mentally stimulating too! The shape of the kettlebell lends itself to unique exercises and is a total body experience. One of the biggest benefits of kettlebell training is that all the exercises are essentially total body exercises. Unlike fixed weight machines that make your body work in a pre-determined path, the kettlebell challenges your stabilising muscles as well as increasing your heart rate which is why it is so good at burning calories. Its odd centre of gravity forces you to do more work involving your stabilizing muscles to create explosive movements with the bell. You get total body strengthening and conditioning with one single tool. If you would like to book on to a kettlebell class or for some one on one training then get in touch.

Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Absolutely! And remember, if it doesn't challenge you then it won't change you.

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